I Work in Wagga

I Work in Wagga

The workforce and skills shortage is something that is impacting all industries and businesses of all sizes in our community.

While we don’t have the answer, we did think about what the challenges are in the current market. One challenge is that we are competing as a city with every other regional area in Australia and with over 86,000 vacancies across regional Australia that is one big challenge.

The next challenge we identified was, there seems to be this misconception about the career opportunities that exist regionally.

So in true Chamber style we turned to our values and thought that collaboration maybe the answer. What happens if we came together as a business community and we showcased all the wonderful jobs that exist in our city and region, but not just the jobs the careers you can have here.

Also what happens if, as a business community we were know as the place of Employers of Choice. What happens if people knew that they not only could have a great career here, but they would get all the perks to and they might also just find out how great it is to work in Wagga and take in all the benefits our regional city has to offer.

At The Long Lunch – Workforce and skill shortages, what is the answer?  we launched “I work in Wagga”. A campaign designed to help us tell the story of our careers, the opportunities we have had and what we love most about the place we live and the businesses we work for.

We ask you to be apart of the campaign and tell your story. The more who contribute the stronger our voice.


We asked to use the I work in Wagga assets and #IworkinWagga and post to social platforms including Linked in, Instagram and Facebook promoting the positions that they have in the City/region demonstrating the diversity of what the region has to offer. 

We have also created email signatures that you may choose to add to the bottom of your email also to promote Wagga further.

Help us to sell our city as the place to have a great career, great employer and a great place to live.

How to Create an "I Work in Wagga" profile:

We are not expects in design, so if you are a graphic designer please turn away now….

1. Download our ‘profile template’ 

2. Insert a profile pice to the template. (We use Canva because it’s easy)

3. Add the image to your Instagram, Facebook or Linked In with the #iworkinWagga with the following information….

As the  (position title) or 

And I am a (position title)

What is something you love about working regionally here in Wagga or something you love about where you work?

If you have a vacancy maybe add 

Come work with the me…..


I love working in Wagga 


“Check out Jobs Riverina for an opportunity to work here to!”

We would love to see your posts so feel free to tag @waggabusinesschamber and we will share it!


Resources you might find useful

Here are some resources that we thought you might find useful.
We are all about not re-creating the wheel and linking you with services that can assist you.